Happy Holidays from our Executive Director
2017 has been an amazing year for Pregnancy and Parenting Support. First, we expanded our services to include babies up to 2 years old. Then we moved to bigger offices and changed our name. We also extended our service hours in Nipomo and at Lopez High School and added a new site in Oceano. We did all of this while continuing to serve over 500 families countywide. It has been a busy year!
It has also been a challenging fundraising year though.There have been so many disasters with fires, hurricanes and flooding that it has impacted our local fundraising efforts. The generosity of our community continues to amaze me. But we still need your support.
I would like to share this client testimony with you to show you how invaluable your support is to the families we serve.
“I cannot tell you how much of a difference Pregnancy and Parenting Support made in our lives. Not only did they listen to me and help me get into counseling, but they helped us with newborn items for two, infant carriers and the best infant layettes ever. Our families are not close, and this made us feel like we had someone who cared. We were able to take a minute and think about the two little babies we would be meeting soon. They also helped us with a gift card for gas, and with some of our rent, plus referrals for other resources. We had never been in this position and felt embarrassed, and scared. We just needed help to get over this hump. Fortunately, my husband is able to go back to work in 4 weeks. I will never forget the kindness, and will be a lifetime supporter. Thank you so much!” Christina
Christina’s story is not uncommon for Pregnancy & Parenting Support or for our County. Both she and her husband worked fulltime, they had two children, a two year old and a five year old, and a surprise pregnancy with twins was a shock. Then, shortly after learning about the twins, her husband was injured at work and was unable to work for at least 4 months. They cut back on everything but necessities and went through most of their savings. Then Christina was put on bed rest and sent to Pregnancy & Parenting Support for services and help with her stress and anxiety.
These are the moms, dads and babies we help every day and we need your support to continue helping them.
It is not too late to make a donation to Pregnancy & Parenting Support of San Luis Obispo County (formerly ALPHA Pregnancy & Parenting Support) for 2017. Simply hit the Donate Now button.Your donation allows us to help families like Christina’s every day, plus every dollar donated stays in San Luis Obispo County to provide basic needs for infants and children under two.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2018. Thank you for your on-going support.
Best regards,
Patti Fox
Executive Director