We’ve got news!
It’s been an exciting and eventful year for us! So far in 2017 Pregnancy and Parenting Support of San Luis Obispo County (formerly ALPHA) has…
- moved to 3480 South Higuera St, #100 in San Luis Obispo
- changed our mission statement to better serve our clients
- changed our name to Pregnancy and Parenting Support of San Luis Obispo County to better reflect what we do and who we serve
- provided practical support including diapers, clothing, formula and equipment to over 300 families
- provided emotional support and information on postpartum mood and anxiety disorders to over 200 women
- added an additional satellite site in San Miguel and expanded services in Nipomo and at Lopez High School HOPE program to meet the on-going needs of the community
Through the generosity of the community there have been:
- baby showers
- a Tea Party
- the Crib Project at St Patrick’s in Arroyo Grande
- Mother’s Day cards and Flowers
- Bucks for Babies
We have welcomed new donors, supporters and volunteers, and we continue to celebrate all those that give their time, their talents and their treasure so selflessly.